FG Camera Library (2024-12-03)
e2v EV76C560 / EV76C570


The following e2v Sapphire sensor models are available for the VisionCam XM:

Supported sensors
Sensor Type eFG_CAMERA_TYPE Number of
Pixel size Optical format
EV76C560M Monochrome FG_CAMERA_TYPE_1280_1024_IMAGO_VCx_EV76C560M 1280 x 1024 5.3 µm x 5.3 µm 1/1.8"
EV76C560C Color FG_CAMERA_TYPE_1280_1024_IMAGO_VCx_EV76C560C
EV76C570M Monochrome FG_CAMERA_TYPE_1600_1200_IMAGO_VCx_EV76C570M 1600 x 1200 4.5 µm x 4.5 µm
EV76C570C Color FG_CAMERA_TYPE_1600_1200_IMAGO_VCx_EV76C570C


  • Global Shutter
  • 10-bit ADC with 10 bit or 8 bit image readout
  • Short integration times down to 1 µs
  • Hardware Demosaicing support

Supported pixel formats

The supported pixel formats are listed below:

Supported pixel types
Sensor eFG_PIXEL_TYPE Output format
EV76C560M, EV76C570M (Monochrome) FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_8 1 byte per pixel
FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_16 2 bytes per pixel containing 10 valid bits
EV76C560C, EV76C570C (Color) FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_8 Raw bayer values, 1 byte per pixel
FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_16 Raw bayer values, 2 bytes per pixel containing 10 valid bits
FG_PIXEL_TYPE_RGB_24 Hardware Demosaicing: 3 bytes per pixel containing 8 bit R/G/B
FG_PIXEL_TYPE_RGBX_32 Hardware Demosaicing: 4 bytes per pixel containing 8 bit R/G/B/dummy
  • For raw Bayer pixel format, the first line starts with B-G components if the Mirror option is 0.
  • For color sensors, the function FG_set_gain_rgb() can be used to adjust the gain for each color component, regardless of the pixel format.

Frame rates

The frame rate can be increased be reducing the AOI size. Some examples are listed in the following table:

Maximum frame rate examples
Sensor AOI size Max. frame rate
EV76C560M, EV76C560C 1280 x 1024 65
1024 x 768 86
640 x 480 136
320 x 240 262
EV76C570M, EV76C570C 1600 x 1200 FG_PIXEL_TYPE_RGBX_32: 48
else: 55
1024 x 768 85
640 x 480 134
320 x 240 258
  • The sensor doesn't use overlapped integration and readout. Therefore, longer integration times will reduce the frame rate. The listed values are measured using an integration time of 100 µs.
  • Values are valid for FPGA firmware and FG Camera library Older versions show lower performance.
  • The frame rate mainly depends on the AOI height, not on the AOI width.

Special features

The sensor supports the following special features, see also section Configure special features for additional features:

Special features
Property name Description FGCamera.so
Mirror Flips the image horizontally and / or vertically
0: no flipping (default)
1: flip horizontally
2: flip vertically
3: flip horizontally and vertically (rotation by 180°)
Please note that the order of color components for raw Bayer format depends on this setting. Use FG_get_pixel_order() to get the order after the Mirror option is configured.
ImageMode Sets the image mode:
0: Video output
1: Diagonal grey scale pattern, moving (+1) on each image
2: Diagonal grey scale pattern, still image with first pixel = 0
3: Ramping pattern, with continuously incrementing pixel values

RGB Demosaicing

The hardware demosaicing feature of the VisionCam XM is automatically enabled by using the pixel type FG_PIXEL_TYPE_RGB_24 or FG_PIXEL_TYPE_RGBX_32 with FG_set_aoi().

The demosaicing algorithm uses a high quality 5x5 filter, see High-Quality Linear Interpolation for Demosaicing of Bayer-Patterned Color Images for a description.

The function FG_set_gain_rgb() can be used to adjust the gain for each color component.