| |
- builtins.object
- .array
- .simplewrapper
- .wrapper
- DeviceInfo
- SystemInfo
- VIBSystem
- iDevice
- CameraLinkIn
- CameraTrigger
- DigitalInput
- DigitalOutput
- IOScheduler
- Led
- Multiplexer
- PowerOverEthernet
- Rs232
- Rs422
- Service
- Strobe
- TriggerGenerator
- TriggerOverEthernet
- .voidptr
- builtins.type(builtins.object)
- .wrappertype
- enum.Enum(builtins.object)
- eDeviceType
- eHardwareType
- eSystemType
class CameraLinkIn(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
CameraLinkIn(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.CameraLinkIn'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
CameraLinkIn(a0: CameraLinkIn)
This class represents the Camera Link grabber module.
Image buffers are represented by the 'voidptr' object which provides
the Python buffer protocol.
The following example uses OpenCV to show the camera frames:
import vib
cl_module_id = 0
cam_channel = 0
cl_module_config = vib.CameraLinkIn.MODULE_CONFIGURATION.BASE
cl_mode = vib.CameraLinkIn.INMODE_TYPE.CL_1TAP_8BIT
cl_flags = vib.CameraLinkIn.INMODE_FLAGS.DEFAULT
width = 640
height = 480
buffers = 4
print("Initializing grabber...")
cl = vib.CameraLinkIn()
cl.ConfigureCLInput(cam_channel, cl_mode, cl_flags, width, height)
print("Allocating {} buffers and starting acquisition...".format(buffers))
for i in range(buffers):
buf = cl.AllocateImageBuffer(cam_channel)
cl.AddImageBufferForCapturing(cam_channel, buf)
print("Starting acquisition loop, press CTRL-C to stop the program.")
while True:
# wait for the next frame
result = cl.WaitForImageBuffer(cam_channel, 1000)
ptr = result[0]
bufIsValid = result[1]
if ptr:
if not bufIsValid:
print("The camera image is broken")
cl.AddImageBufferForCapturing(cam_channel, ptr)
print("Acquisition timeout")
# todo: work with the image, e.g.:
# image = np.ndarray((height, width), dtype=np.uint8, buffer=ptr)
# cv.imshow("Camera", image)
# add buffer to the acquisition queue again
cl.AddImageBufferForCapturing(cam_channel, ptr)
print("Stopping acquisition...")
print("Releasing buffers...")
while True:
result = cl.WaitForImageBuffer(cam_channel, 0)
if result[0] is None:
cl.FreeImageBuffer(cam_channel, result[0])
print("End.") |
- Method resolution order:
- CameraLinkIn
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- AbortBufferUsage(...) from .wrappertype
- AbortBufferUsage(self, ChannelIndex: int)
Forces the driver to stop using image buffers.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- AbortWaitingForDMA(...) from .wrappertype
- AbortWaitingForDMA(self, ChannelIndex: int)
Forces every waiting thread to return from the WaitForImageBuffer() function call.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- AddImageBufferForCapturing(...) from .wrappertype
- AddImageBufferForCapturing(self, ChannelIndex: int, ptr: voidptr)
Adds an image buffer to the acquisition queue for capturing new camera frames.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
ptr: Pointer to the image buffer
- AllocateImageBuffer(...) from .wrappertype
- AllocateImageBuffer(self, ChannelIndex: int) -> (voidptr)
Allocates a image buffer for capturing.
The returned voidptr object supports the Python buffer interface.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- ConfigureCC(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureCC(self, ChannelIndex: int, CCIndex: int, src: CameraLinkIn.CC_SOURCE, Invert: bool)
Selects the source for the given CameraLink-CC line.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
CCIndex: Index for the CC-Line [1...4]
src: The desired source signal
Invert: Polarity of the output signal
Valid enum values for CameraLinkIn.CC_SOURCE:
- OFF: static off
- ON: static on
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT15: Multiplexer Output 0...15
- ConfigureCLInput(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureCLInput(self, ChannelIndex: int, InType: CameraLinkIn.INMODE_TYPE, InFlags: CameraLinkIn.INMODE_FLAGS, AOI_Width: int, AOI_Height: int, AOI_X: int = 0, AOI_Y: int = 0)
Configures a camera channel.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
InType: Define the desired Pixel/Data or streaming format
InFlags: Bitwise OR of configuration flags defined in INMODE_FLAGS
Use INMODE_FLAGS.DEFAULT for area scan cameras and
INMODE_FLAGS.IGNORE_FVAL for line scan cameras
AOI_Width: Width of the returned image
AOI_Height: Height of the returned image
AOI_X: Offset/start position inside the camera image
AOI_Y: Offset/start position inside the camera image
Valid enum values for CameraLinkIn.INMODE_TYPE:
- CL_1TAP_8BIT: CL Base: 1 tap / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_1TAP_10BIT: CL Base: 1 tap / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_1TAP_12BIT: CL Base: 1 tap / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_1TAP_14BIT: CL Base: 1 tap / 14 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_1TAP_16BIT: CL Base: 1 tap / 16 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_2TAP_8BIT: CL Base: 2 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_2TAP_10BIT: CL Base: 2 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_2TAP_12BIT: CL Base: 2 taps / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_3TAP_8BIT: CL Base: 3 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_1TAP_24BIT_RGB: CL Base: 1 tap / 3x 8 bit, memory size: 4 byte per pixel (one dummy byte)
- CL_4TAP_8BIT: CL Medium: 4 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_4TAP_10BIT: CL Medium: 4 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_4TAP_12BIT: CL Medium: 4 taps / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel
- CL_6TAP_8BIT: CL Medium: 6 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_1TAP_30BIT_RGB: CL Medium: 1 tap / 3x 10 bit, memory size: 8 bytes per pixel (3x 2 bytes + two dummy bytes)
- CL_1TAP_36BIT_RGB: CL Medium: 1 tap / 3x 12 bit, memory size: 8 bytes per pixel (3x 2 bytes + two dummy bytes)
- CL_2TAP_24BIT_RGB: CL Medium: 2 taps / 3x 8 bit, memory size: 4 byte per pixel (one dummy byte)
- CL_8TAP_8BIT: CL Full: 8 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_10TAP_8BIT: CL Deca: 10 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel
- CL_8TAP_10BIT: CL Deca: 8 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 10 bits per pixel
Memory storage: eight bytes containing the MSBs for eight pixels,
followed by two bytes conaining the remaining two LSBs for these pixels
Valid enum values for CameraLinkIn.INMODE_FLAGS:
- DEFAULT: Default value if no special behavior required
- IGNORE_FVAL: Use this value for linescan cameras
- IGNORE_DVAL: Ignore the Camera Link DVAL signal (data valid)
- INSERT_IMAGE_COUNTER: Insert a 16 bit frame / line counter at the beginning of each frame / line
- INSERT_CC1_COUNTER: Insert a 16 bit CC1 trigger counter at the beginning of each frame / line.
- INSERT_TIMESTAMP: Insert a 32 bit timestamp into the beginning of each frame / line (1 us time base)
ConfigureCLInput(self, ChannelIndex: int, InType: CameraLinkIn.INMODE_TYPE, InFlags: CameraLinkIn.INMODE_FLAGS, Width: int, Height: int, AOI_X: int, AOI_Y: int, AOI_Width: int, AOI_Height: int)
Configures a camera channel.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
InType: Define the desired Pixel/Data or streaming format
InFlags: Bitwise OR of configuration flags defined in INMODE_FLAGS
Use INMODE_FLAGS.DEFAULT for area scan cameras and
CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_IGNORE_FVAL for line scan cameras
Width: The complete camera image width
Height: The complete camera image Height
AOI_X: Offset/start position inside the camera image
AOI_Y: Offset/start position inside the camera image
AOI_Width: Width of the returned image
AOI_Height: Height of the returned image
- ConfigureModule(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureModule(self, ModuleConfig: CameraLinkIn.MODULE_CONFIGURATION)
Configures the Camera Link mode.
ModuleConfig: Camera Link mode
Valid enum values for CameraLinkIn.MODULE_CONFIGURATION:
- AUTO: Automatically determine configuration based on INMODE_TYPE (default)
- BASE: Camera Link Base
- MEDIUM: Camera Link Medium
- FULL: Camera Link Full
- DECA: Camera Link Deca
- FreeImageBuffer(...) from .wrappertype
- FreeImageBuffer(self, ChannelIndex: int, ptr: voidptr)
Frees the specified buffer.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
ptr: Pointer to the image buffer
- GetAOI(...) from .wrappertype
- GetAOI(self, ChannelIndex: int) -> (int, int, int, int)
Returns the configured AOI size.
The function returns four integer values:
- [0]: Horizontal AOI start position
- [1]: Vertical AOI start position
- [2]: AOI width
- [3]: AOI height
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- GetBitsPerPixel(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBitsPerPixel(self, ChannelIndex: int) -> (int, int)
Returns the number of bits for each pixel.
The function returns two integer values:
- [0]: Number of usable bits per pixel
- [1]: Number of bits per pixel used in the image buffers, including the unused padding bits
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- GetBufferSize(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBufferSize(self, ChannelIndex: int) -> int
Returns the number of bytes allocated for each image buffer.
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
- GetNumberOfInputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfInputs(self, ModuleConfig: CameraLinkIn.MODULE_CONFIGURATION) -> int
Returns the number of independent Camera Link input channels.
ModuleConfig: Specifies the configuration for which the function returns
the number of channels (see help for
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- WaitForImageBuffer(...) from .wrappertype
- WaitForImageBuffer(self, ChannelIndex: int, msTimeOut: int) -> (voidptr, bool, long long)
Waits for completion of image buffers and transfers ownership to the user.
The function returns the following values:
- [0]: Image buffer object, None if the timeout expired or if AbortWaitingForDMA() was called
- [1]: Boolean flag indicating if the image acquisition was successful
- [2]: Image completion timestamp value in micro-seconds
ChannelIndex: Camera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
msTimeOut: TimeOut in milliseconds, 0 ... 0xffffffff (infinite)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- CC_SOURCE = <enum 'CC_SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class CameraTrigger(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
CameraTrigger(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.CameraTrigger'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
CameraTrigger(a0: CameraTrigger)
This class controls the digital camera trigger output. |
- Method resolution order:
- CameraTrigger
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- GetNumberOfOutputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfOutputs(self) -> int
Returns number of output channels.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- Set(...) from .wrappertype
- Set(self, Channel: int, Source: CameraTrigger.SOURCE, DriverMode: CameraTrigger.DRIVER_MODE, Invert: bool = False)
Sets trigger output for the specified channel.
Channel: Channel number, 0 ... (GetNumberOfOutputs() - 1)
Source: Trigger source signal
DriverMode: Driver mode
Invert: Polarity
Valid enum values for CameraTrigger.SOURCE:
- OFF: Trigger off
- ON: Trigger on
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer output 0...23
- DIG_IN0...DIG_IN7: Digital input 0...7 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
- RS422_IN0...RS422_IN2: RS422 input 0...2 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
- TRIGGEN_OUT0...TRIGGEN_OUT0: Trigger Unit Output 0 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
Valid enum values for CameraTrigger.DRIVER_MODE:
- PUSH_PULL: Push-Pull mode, both transistors are used
- EMITTER_FOLLOWER: Emitter-follower mode, only the upper transistor is used
- OPEN_COLLECTOR: Open-collector mode, only the lower transistor is used
(the output signal is low-active)
Set(self, Channel: int, Source: CameraTrigger.SOURCE, TrgPOff: bool = False, TrgPOn: bool = True, TrgNOff: bool = False, TrgNOn: bool = False)
Sets trigger output for the specified channel.
Channel: Channel number, 0 ... (GetNumberOfOutputs() - 1)
Source: Trigger source signal
TrgPOff: High side switch activity for low input signal
TrgPOn: High side switch activity for high input signal
TrgNOff: Low side switch activity for low input signal
TrgNOn: Low side switch activity for high input signal
- SetAll(...) from .wrappertype
- SetAll(self, Source: CameraTrigger.SOURCE, TrgPOff: bool = False, TrgPOn: bool = True, TrgNOff: bool = False, TrgNOn: bool = False)
Sets the trigger output for all channels simultaneously.
Source: Trigger source signal
TrgPOff: High side switch activity for low input signal
TrgPOn: High side switch activity for high input signal
TrgNOff: Low side switch activity for low input signal
TrgNOn: Low side switch activity for high input signal
Data and other attributes defined here:
- An enumeration.
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class DigitalInput(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
DigitalInput(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.DigitalInput'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
DigitalInput(a0: DigitalInput)
This class represents a group of optically coupled input signals. |
- Method resolution order:
- DigitalInput
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- AbortWaitingForInputEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- AbortWaitingForInputEvent(self)
Aborts any thread that waits for an input event and disables further events.
- ConfigureDebounceTime(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureDebounceTime(self, nsLow: int, nsHigh: int, enableMask: int = 4294967295)
Sets debouncing time for the digital input signals.
nsLow: Time in nano-seconds the signal must stay low before it takes
effect (falling edge)
nsHigh: Time in nano-seconds the signal must stay high before it takes
effect (rising edge)
enableMask: Binary representation of signals with debouncing enabled
- ConfigureInputEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureInputEvent(self, SensitivityMask: int)
Configures the sensitivity of the input events.
The parameter SensitivityMask specifies which input lines will be used to
generate events. The signal edge can be specified for each line individually.
SensitivityMask: If bits 16...31 are zero, the corresponding bits 0...15
activate events for both edges
(0: no events, 1: rising and falling edge).
If bits 16...31 are set, the corresponding bits 0...15
configure the edge for each signal
0: falling edge, 1: rising edge).
ConfigureInputEvent(self, SensitivityMaskRising: int, SensitivityMaskFalling: int)
Configures the sensitivity of the input events.
The parameters SensitivityMaskRising and SensitivityMaskFalling specify which
input lines will be used to generate events. The signal edge can be specified
for each line individually.
SensitivityMaskRising: Binary representation of signals that trigger events
on the rising edge
SensitivityMaskFalling: Binary representation of signals that trigger events
on the falling edge
- Get(...) from .wrappertype
- Get(self) -> int
Reads the state of the digital input signals and returns the binary representation.
- GetBit(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBit(self, BitIndex: int) -> bool
Reads the state of the specified digital input signal.
- GetNumberOfInputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfInputs(self) -> int
Returns number of digital input channels.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- WaitForInputEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- WaitForInputEvent(self, msTimeout: int) -> (int, int)
Waits for an input event.
The function returns two integer values:
- The current state of the input signals (binary representation).
- The signals which triggered the event (binary representation).
msTimeout: Timeout in milliseconds, 0xffffffff for infinite timeout
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class DigitalOutput(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
DigitalOutput(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.DigitalOutput'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
DigitalOutput(a0: DigitalOutput)
This class represents a group of optically coupled output signals. |
- Method resolution order:
- DigitalOutput
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- GetNumberOfOutputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfOutputs(self) -> int
Returns number of output channels.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- Set(...) from .wrappertype
- Set(self, Val: int)
Sets the state of the digital output signals.
Val: Bits 0...15: Binary representation of digital outputs.
Bits 16...31: Mask bits: only signals for which the mask bit is set will
be changed, all other signals are ignored. Exception: if the
upper 16 bits of Val are zero, then all outputs will be set.
- SetBit(...) from .wrappertype
- SetBit(self, BitIndex: int, OnOff: bool)
Sets the state of the specified digital output.
BitIndex: Output index
OnOff: Output value
- SetSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetSource(self, BitIndex: int, Source: DigitalOutput.SOURCE, InvertOutput: bool = False)
Sets the source for the specified output signal.
BitIndex: Output index
Source: Source for the selected output
InvertOutput: Polarity inversion
Valid enum values for DigitalOutput.SOURCE:
- REGISTER: The output is controlled by Set() and SetBit() (default)
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer output 0...23
Data and other attributes defined here:
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class IOScheduler(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
IOScheduler(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.IOScheduler'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
IOScheduler(a0: IOScheduler)
This class controls the I/O Scheduler which allows to store and emit output
signals in hard real-time. |
- Method resolution order:
- IOScheduler
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- GetBufferFillLevel(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBufferFillLevel(self) -> int
Returns the number of valid entries in the circular buffer.
- GetBufferMaxElementCount(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBufferMaxElementCount(self) -> int
Returns the maximum space for elements inside the circular buffer.
- GetCounter(...) from .wrappertype
- GetCounter(self, CounterType: IOScheduler.COUNTER) -> int
Read a counter value from the FPGA.
CounterType: Counter type to read
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.COUNTER:
- TRIGGER: Trigger counter
- ENCODER: Encoder counter
- TIMER: Timer counter
- ENCODER_COPY: Encoder counter copy
- TIMER_COPY: Timer counter copy
- GetNumberOfOutputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfOutputs(self) -> int
Returns the number output lines of this unit.
- PushValue(...) from .wrappertype
- PushValue(self, CompareValue: int, OutputValue: int)
Pushes a new entry into the circular buffer within the FPGA.
CompareValue: 24 bit activation value which is compared against the selected counter,
the upper 8 bits are ignored
OutputValue: Binary representation of the output signal, two LSBs are currently used
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- SetAutomaticRequeueMode(...) from .wrappertype
- SetAutomaticRequeueMode(self, active: bool)
If automatic requeue mode is enabled, used output values will be added to the
circular buffer again.
active: Enable automatic requeue mode
- SetCompareSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetCompareSource(self, cmpSrc: IOScheduler.CMP_SRC)
Selects the counter which is compared against the current trigger value.
cmpSrc Counter to use for comparison
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.CMP_SRC:
- TRIGGER: Trigger mode, signal can selected via SetTriggerSource()
- ENCODER: Encoder mode, can be configured with SetEncoderSource() and SetEncoderDirection()
- TIMER: Timer mode
- SetCounterFreeze(...) from .wrappertype
- SetCounterFreeze(self, active: bool)
Freezes the counters and counter copy registers.
active: Freeze state
- SetCounterResetSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetCounterResetSource(self, rstSrc: IOScheduler.RST_SRC, InvertInput: bool, EdgeSensitive: bool)
Selects and configures the signal to reset the counters.
rstSrc: Signal or constant value which will be used
InvertInput: Polarity of the reset signal
EdgeSensitive: False: reset signal is level sensitive
True: reset signal is edge sensitive
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.RST_SRC:
- OFF: static off
- ON: static on
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer Output 0...23
- SetEncoderDirection(...) from .wrappertype
- SetEncoderDirection(self, EncoderDir: IOScheduler.ENCODER_DIR)
Sets the direction of the encoder signal in encoder mode.
EncoderDir: Encoder direction
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.ENCODER_DIR:
- NORMAL: Normal encoder direction
- REVERSE: Reversed encoder direction
- SetEncoderSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetEncoderSource(self, encSrc: IOScheduler.ENC_SRC, encMode: IOScheduler.ENC_EDGE_MODE)
Selects the source signal for encoder mode.
encSrc: Select the source for encoder signal A, signal B will be (encSrc+1)
encMode: Specifies the edge mode, when and how to update the counter
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.CMP_SRC:
- SYNC_0_0: Encoder 0, input 0
- SYNC_0_1: Encoder 0, input 1
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer Output 0...23
Valid enum values for IOScheduler.ENC_EDGE_MODE:
- A_RISING: Counter increments on the rising edge of the first signal
- A_FALLING: Counter increments on the falling edge of the first signal
- A_BOTH: Counter increments on rising and falling edge of the first signal
- AB_BOTH: Counter increments on both edges for both encoder signals
- AB_ENCODER: Counter increments or decrements depending on the encoder direction
and the configured direction, see SetEncoderDirection()
- SetOutputPulsTiming(...) from .wrappertype
- SetOutputPulsTiming(self, Delay_us: int, OnTime_us: int)
Configures the output delay and hold time.
Delay_us: Delay for activating the outputs in microseconds (0...1 s),
default: 0
OnTime_us: Hold time for the output signal in microseconds (0...1 s),
0 for infinite, default: 0
- SetTriggerSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetTriggerSource(self, InputIndex: int, InvertInput: bool)
Selects the Multiplexer output signal to be used as trigger event.
InputIndex: Index of the Multiplexer output
InvertInput: Signal polarity
- Start(...) from .wrappertype
- Start(self)
Starts the I/O Scheduler logic within the FPGA.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- CMP_SRC = <enum 'CMP_SRC'>
- An enumeration.
- COUNTER = <enum 'COUNTER'>
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
- ENC_SRC = <enum 'ENC_SRC'>
- An enumeration.
- RST_SRC = <enum 'RST_SRC'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class LCD(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
LCD(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.LCD'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
LCD(a0: LCD)
This class controls the status display of the Machine Vision Controller. |
- Method resolution order:
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- ClearDisplay(...) from .wrappertype
- ClearDisplay(self)
Clears the entire display.
- ConfigureAutoText(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureAutoText(self, AutoTextType: LCD.AUTO_TYPE, Enable: bool)
Enables or disables the specified auto text feature.
AutoTextType: Type of auto text feature to enable or disable
Enable: True: enable the specified auto text feature
Valid enum values for LCD.AUTO_TYPE:
- ONTIME: Display time since the last power-on or reset in the first line
- POSTCODE: Display the last BIOS POST code in the second line
- TEMPERATURE: Display the main-board temperature in the second line
- GetNumberOfCharactersPerLine(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfCharactersPerLine(self) -> int
Return the number of characters in one line.
- GetNumberOfLines(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfLines(self) -> int
Return the number of lines.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- WriteText(...) from .wrappertype
- WriteText(self, StartCharacterIndex: int, StartLineIndex: int, pText: Optional[str], LineWrap: bool = True)
Displays the given text on the display, starting at the give coordinates.
StartCharacterIndex: The column start position, 0 ... (GetNumberOfCharactersPerLine() - 1)
StartLineIndex: The line start position, 0 ... (GetNumberOfLines() - 1)
pText: ASCII coded string.
LineWrap: False: writes the string only into the given line,
additional characters are discarded.
True: the string can overflow into the next line
Data and other attributes defined here:
- AUTO_TYPE = <enum 'AUTO_TYPE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Led(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Led(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Led'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Led(a0: Led)
This class controls the status LEDs. |
- Method resolution order:
- Led
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- ConfigureGenerator(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureGenerator(self, GeneratorIndex: int, BlinkCount: int, ms_ton: int, ms_toff: int, ms_tpause: int)
Generic function for controlling the FPGA trigger unit.
GeneratorIndex: Generator index, 0 or 1
BlinkCount: Number of pulses for each sequence, 1 ... 16
ms_ton: LED on time in milliseconds, 100 ... 6400
ms_toff: LED off time in milliseconds, 100 ... 6400
ms_tpause: Pause time in milliseconds, 0 ... 6400
- GetNumberOfLeds(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfLeds(self) -> int
Returns number of LEDs.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- Set(...) from .wrappertype
- Set(self, Val: int, BitMask: int = 4294967295)
Sets the state of the LEDs.
Val: Binary representation of the LEDs
BitMask: Mask bits can be used to change only certain outputs, LSB is LED0
- SetLED(...) from .wrappertype
- SetLED(self, LEDIndex: int, OnOff: bool)
Sets the state of one LED.
LEDIndex: Index of the LED, 0 ... (GetNumberOfLeds() - 1)
OnOff: Enable/disable LED
- SetMode(...) from .wrappertype
- SetMode(self, LEDIndex: int, Mode: Led.MODE)
Sets the mode of one LED.
LEDIndex: Index of the LED, 0 ... (GetNumberOfLeds() - 1)
Mode: LED mode
Valid enum values for Led.MODE:
- OFF: LED off
- ON: LED on
- GEN0...GEN1: LED Signal generator 0...1
- RESET: System Reset
- SATA: SATA activity
- CF: CF (IDE) activity
- SATA_CF: SATA or CF activity
- PCI: PCI bus activity
- SUN: Internal RTCC bus activity
- RS232: RS-232 activity
- RS422: RS-422 activity
Data and other attributes defined here:
- MODE = <enum 'MODE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Multiplexer(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Multiplexer(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Multiplexer'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Multiplexer(a0: Multiplexer)
This class controls the Multiplexer unit which connects signal sources and sinks with each other. |
- Method resolution order:
- Multiplexer
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- AbortWaitingForEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- AbortWaitingForEvent(self)
Aborts all threads waiting for an event and disables all events.
- ConfigureEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureEvent(self, SensitivityMaskRising: int, SensitivityMaskFalling: int)
Configures the sensitivity for Multiplexer events.
SensitivityMaskRising: Binary representation of Multiplexer signals that
triggers an event on the rising edge
SensitivityMaskFalling: Binary representation of Multiplexer signals that
triggers an event on the falling edge
- ConnectOutput(...) from .wrappertype
- ConnectOutput(self, OutputIndex: int, Source: Multiplexer.SOURCE)
Selects the source signal for the specified output line.
OutputIndex: Output number, 0 ... (GetNumberOfOutputs() - 1)
Source: Source signal for the selected output, see below
Valid enum values for Multiplexer.SOURCE:
- OFF / ON: Static on or off
- DIG_IN0...DIG_IN07: DigitalInput unit 0, signal 0...7
- DIG_1_IN0...DIG_1_IN7: DigitalInput unit 1, signal 0...7
- SYNC_0...SYNC_3: SYNC group 0, signal 0...3
- SYNC_1_0...SYNC_1_3: SYNC group 1, signal 0...3
- SYNC_2_0...SYNC_2_3: SYNC group 2, signal 0...3
- STROBE_0...STROBE_9: Strobe signal 0...9
- TRIGGEN_OUT0...TRIGGEN_OUT3: TriggerGenerator output 0...3
- IOSCHEDULER_<n>_OUT0...IOSCHEDULER_<n>_OUT1: IOScheduler unit <n>, output 0...1
- GetEventTime(...) from .wrappertype
- GetEventTime(self) -> (int, bool)
Reads the event time for the last event.
This function can be called after a event is returned by WaitForEvent().
Two values are returned:
- Time in microseconds between occurance of the previous
and the current event.
- Flag indicating an overflow of the event FIFO.
- GetNumberOfOutputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfOutputs(self) -> int
Returns number of multiplexer output lines.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- WaitForEvent(...) from .wrappertype
- WaitForEvent(self, msTimeout: int) -> (int, int)
Waits for a Multiplexer event.
The function returns two integer values:
- The current state of the multiplexer output signals (binary representation).
- The signals which triggered the event (binary representation).
msTimeout: Timeout in milliseconds, 0xffffffff for infinite timeout
Data and other attributes defined here:
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class PowerOverEthernet(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
PowerOverEthernet(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.PowerOverEthernet'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
PowerOverEthernet(a0: PowerOverEthernet)
This class represents the PowerOverEthernet (PoE) module, which allows gathering
information about the current state of attached PoE devices. |
- Method resolution order:
- PowerOverEthernet
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- GetNumberOfPorts(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfPorts(self) -> int
Return the number of ports.
- GetPortState(...) from .wrappertype
- GetPortState(self, PortIndex: int) -> (STATE, ERROR, int)
Returns the current state of the given port.
The function returns three values:
- The PoE state
- Pending error flags, multiple bits can be active
- PoE power class used by the device, valid only if State is STATE.POWERED
Valid enum values for PowerOverEthernet.STATE:
OFF: The PoE port is not powered
SEARCHING: Waiting for connected PoE device
POWERED: The connected PoE device is powered
OFF_MAXPWR: The total maximum power budget has been exceeded
Valid enum values for PowerOverEthernet.ERROR:
- NO: No Error
- PORT_NCSI: Communication problem with Ethernet controller (not PoE related)
- POE_CLASS: Invalid PoE Class
- POE_VOLTAGE_FAULT: PoE voltage fault
- POE_CURRENT_FAULT: PoE over-current condition
- POE_THERMAL_FAULT: PoE over-temperature condition
Data and other attributes defined here:
- ERROR = <enum 'ERROR'>
- An enumeration.
- STATE = <enum 'STATE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Rs232(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Rs232(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Rs232'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Rs232(a0: Rs232)
This class represents the RS-232 interface which allows sending and receiving
data over a RS-232 port. |
- Method resolution order:
- Rs232
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- ConfigureBaudRate(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureBaudRate(self, BaudRate: int)
Configures the baud rate.
- GetNumberOfBytesAvailable(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfBytesAvailable(self) -> int
Returns the number of valid characters within the receive buffer.
- ReadNByte(...) from .wrappertype
- ReadNByte(self, BytesToRead: int, msTimeout: int) -> bytes
Reads the specified number of characters.
- WriteNByte(...) from .wrappertype
- WriteNByte(self, buffer: Optional[sip.array[bytes]])
Sends the given buffer.
buffer: Buffer holding the characters to send.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Rs422(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Rs422(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Rs422'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Rs422(a0: Rs422)
This class controls the RS-422 interface. |
- Method resolution order:
- Rs422
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- Get(...) from .wrappertype
- Get(self) -> int
Returns the state of the input signals (binary representation).
- GetBit(...) from .wrappertype
- GetBit(self, signalIndex: int) -> bool
Returns the state of one input signal.
signalIndex: Input signal index, 0 ... (GetNumberOfInputs() - 1)
- GetNumberOfInputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfInputs(self) -> int
Returns the number of input signals.
- GetNumberOfOutputs(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfOutputs(self) -> int
Returns the number of output signals.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- Set(...) from .wrappertype
- Set(self, value: int)
Sets the state of the output signals.
value: Bits 0..15: Binary representation of output signals.
Bits 16..31: Mask bits can be used to change only certain outputs.
This is particularly useful to control certain outputs
by different threads. If the upper 16 bits of Val are
set to zero, all outputs will be set.
- SetBit(...) from .wrappertype
- SetBit(self, signalIndex: int, state: bool) -> bool
Sets the state of one output signal.
signalIndex: Output signal index, 0 ... (GetNumberOfOutputs() - 1)
state: Signal state
- SetSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetSource(self, signalIndex: int, Source: Rs422.SOURCE, InvertOutput: bool) -> bool
signalIndex: Output signal index, 0 ... (GetNumberOfOutputs() - 1)
Source: Source for the output signal
InvertOutput: Polarity of the output signal
Valid enum values for Rs422.SOURCE:
- REGISTER: Controlled by Set() / SetBit() (default)
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer output 0...23
Data and other attributes defined here:
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Service(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Service(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Service'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Service(a0: Service)
This class contains functions associated with the hardware component
(serial number, system temperature, watchdog, firmware updates). |
- Method resolution order:
- Service
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- FirmwareUpdate(...) from .wrappertype
- FirmwareUpdate(self, FirmwareData: Optional[sip.array[bytes]])
FirmwareData: Buffer holding the binary firmware data
- GetFanNumberOfChannels(...) from .wrappertype
- GetFanNumberOfChannels(self) -> int
Returns the number of possible fan channels.
- GetFanSpeed(...) from .wrappertype
- GetFanSpeed(self, ChannelIndex: int) -> int
Return the current fan speed for the given index.
ChannelIndex: Fan index, 0 ... (GetFanNumberOfChannels() - 1)
- GetSerialNumber(...) from .wrappertype
- GetSerialNumber(self) -> Optional[str]
Returns the serial number for the hardware entity.
- GetSystemTemperature(...) from .wrappertype
- GetSystemTemperature(self) -> float
Returns system temperature.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- SetFanTargetTemperature(...) from .wrappertype
- SetFanTargetTemperature(self, ChannelIndex: int)
Sets the target temperature of the fan regulation.
Temperature: Target temperature in deg. C, 0 ... 50
- SetSerialNumber(...) from .wrappertype
- SetSerialNumber(self, Key: int, pSerialnumber: Optional[str])
- WatchdogHasFired(...) from .wrappertype
- WatchdogHasFired(self) -> bool
Returns the state of the Watchdog.
- WatchdogService(...) from .wrappertype
- WatchdogService(self)
Sends a signal to the FPGA which resets the watchdog timer.
- WatchdogSetup(...) from .wrappertype
- WatchdogSetup(self, enable: bool, msTimeout: int)
Configures the FPGA watchdog.
enable: Enables or disables the watchdog timer
msTimeout: Watchdog timeout in milliseconds (max. 40000)
WatchdogSetup(self, enable: bool, msTimeout: int, ResetType: Service.WDT_RESET_TYPE)
Configures the watchdog and the reset behavior.
enable: Enables or disables the watchdog timer
msTimeout: Watchdog timeout in milliseconds (max. 40000)
ResetType: Reset behavior
Valid enum values for Service.WDT_RESET_TYPE:
- REBOOT: Cold reset of the system using a hardware reset signal
- MULTIPLEXER: The output signals of the Multiplexer are reset to the default state
Data and other attributes defined here:
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class Strobe(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
Strobe(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.Strobe'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
Strobe(a0: Strobe) |
- Method resolution order:
- Strobe
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- Calibrate(...) from .wrappertype
- Calibrate(self) -> Optional[str]
- GetCurrent(...) from .wrappertype
- GetCurrent(self) -> int
Returns the configured current value of the strobe unit.
- GetLimits(...) from .wrappertype
- GetLimits(self) -> (int, int, int)
Returns the power related limits currently used.
The following values are returned:
- Maximum ON time (us)
- Minimum OFF time (us)
- Maximum current (mA)
- GetOnTime(...) from .wrappertype
- GetOnTime(self) -> int
Returns the ON-time of the strobe output.
- GetOutputType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetOutputType(self) -> Strobe.OUTPUT_TYPE
Return the OutputType of the Strobe unit.
(see SetOutputType())
- GetTriggerDelay(...) from .wrappertype
- GetTriggerDelay(self) -> int
Returns the trigger delay.
- GetTriggerMode(...) from .wrappertype
- GetTriggerMode(self) -> Strobe.MODE
Returns the trigger mode (see SetTriggerMode()).
- GetTriggerSource(...) from .wrappertype
- GetTriggerSource(self) -> (STROBE_SOURCE, bool)
Returns the trigger source.
The function returns two values:
- The trigger source (see SetTriggerSource())
- Polarity of the trigger signal
- GetVoltage(...) from .wrappertype
- GetVoltage(self) -> int
Returns the voltage value of the strobe output.
- Init(...) from .wrappertype
- Init(self)
Initializes the Strobe unit.
- SetCurrent(...) from .wrappertype
- SetCurrent(self, Current: int, Validate: int = 0)
Sets the current value of the strobe output.
Current: Desired current in mA
Validate: 0: Don't validate current
1: Validate current
- SetFixedCurrent(...) from .wrappertype
- SetFixedCurrent(self, SupplyVoltage: int, LoadVoltage: int, MaxOnTime: int, MinOffTime: int, Current: int) -> int
Sets a fixed operating point for the strobe output.
SupplyVoltage: Supply voltage used for the strobe output (12...30)
LoadVoltage: The voltage across the load when the output current is equal to Current
MaxOnTime: Maximum allowed ON-time in us (max. ~ 4s)
MinOffTime: Minimum allowed OFF-time in us (max. ~ 4s, use 0 to allow steady ON
Current: Output current in mA
- SetLimits(...) from .wrappertype
- SetLimits(self, LimitCurrent: int, SupplyVoltage: int, MaxLoadVoltage: int, MaxOnTime: int, MinOffTime: int, Current: int) -> int
Calculates the minimum permitted OFF-time or the maximum permitted current.
LimitCurrent: 0: Calculate the minimum allowed OFF-time
1: Calculate the maximum allowed current
SupplyVoltage: Supply voltage used for the strobe output:
12...30: The actual power supply voltage used.
-1: The worst case supply voltage is assumed to calculate
the limits (30 V).
LoadVoltage: The load voltage when the output current is equal to Current
(set to -1 to use worst-case value)
MaxOnTime: Maximum allowed ON-time in us (max. ~ 4s)
MinOffTime: inimum allowed OFF-time in us (max. ~ 4s, use 0 to allow steady ON
Current: Maximum allowed output current in mA
- SetOnTime(...) from .wrappertype
- SetOnTime(self, OnTime: int)
Sets the ON-time of the strobe output for edge triggered modes.
OnTime: On time in us
- SetOutputType(...) from .wrappertype
- SetOutputType(self, OutputType: Strobe.OUTPUT_TYPE)
Selects the output channel for the Strobe unit.
OutputType: Selects the output channgel
Valid enum values for Strobe.OUTPUT_TYPE:
- OFF: The LED voltage is disconnected
- DEFAULT: Sets the default value
- EXTERNAL: External connectors are used (default)
- INTERNAL: The internal ring light is used (only valid for the VisionCam XM)
- SetTriggerDelay(...) from .wrappertype
- SetTriggerDelay(self, TriggerDelay: int)
Sets the trigger delay.
TriggerDelay: Delay in us (max. ~4s)
- SetTriggerMode(...) from .wrappertype
- SetTriggerMode(self, TriggerMode: Strobe.MODE) -> int
Sets the trigger mode.
TriggerMode: Desired trigger mode
Valid enum values for Strobe.MODE:
- SOFTWARE_EDGE: Software triggered
- SOFTWARE_COPY: Manual ON/OFF by Software
- HARDWARE_EDGE: Hardware triggered by edge
- HARDWARE_COPY: Hardware triggered by level
- SetTriggerSource(...) from .wrappertype
- SetTriggerSource(self, TriggerSource: Strobe.SOURCE, InvertTrigger: int)
Sets the trigger source for hardware triggered modes.
TriggerSource: Select the signal used as trigger source
InvertTrigger: Polarity of the trigger signal
Valid enum values for Strobe.SOURCE:
- MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT23: Multiplexer output 0...23
- DIG_IN0...DIG_IN7: Digital input 0 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
- RS422_IN0...RS422_IN2: RS422 input 0 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
- TRIGGEN_OUT0...TRIGGEN_OUT3: Trigger Generator output 0...3 (VisionBox AGE-X1 only)
- SwTrigger(...) from .wrappertype
- SwTrigger(self, Value: int)
Sets the trigger signal for software triggered and manual mode.
Value: 1: Activates the strobe output
0: Deactivates the strobe output (only used in level/copy mode)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- MODE = <enum 'MODE'>
- An enumeration.
- An enumeration.
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class TriggerGenerator(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
TriggerGenerator(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.TriggerGenerator'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
TriggerGenerator(a0: TriggerGenerator)
This module controls the FPGA Trigger Unit. |
- Method resolution order:
- TriggerGenerator
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- ConfigureGet(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureGet(self, cmd: Optional[str]) -> int
Generic function for reading data from the FPGA trigger unit.
cmd: Command string
- ConfigureSet(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureSet(self, cmd: Optional[str])
Generic function for controlling the FPGA trigger unit.
cmd: Command string
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class TriggerOverEthernet(iDevice) |
Default constructor for the device object.
The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.
TriggerOverEthernet(capsule: PyCapsule)
Constructor for creating the device object by using a valid C++
object pointer provided as capsule. The name of the capsule must be
set to 'vib.TriggerOverEthernet'. The device will not be closed automatically
if the Python object gets destroyed.
TriggerOverEthernet(a0: TriggerOverEthernet)
This class represents the TriggerOverEthernet (ToE) module which allows the
generation of GigE Action Commands. |
- Method resolution order:
- TriggerOverEthernet
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- ConfigureActionCommand(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureActionCommand(self, CommandID: int, DeviceKey: int, GroupKey: int, GroupMask: int)
Configures the GigE Action Command parameters for the given command ID.
CommandID: Index of the Action Command, 0 ... (GetNumberOfCommands() - 1)
DeviceKey: GigE Action Device Key
GroupKey: GigE Action Group Key
GroupMask: GigE Action Group Mask
- ConfigureTriggerSource(...) from .wrappertype
- ConfigureTriggerSource(self, CommandID: int, src: TriggerOverEthernet.SOURCE, Invert: bool)
Selects the source signal for the Action Command for the given command ID.
CommandID: Index of the Action Command, 0 ... (GetNumberOfCommands() - 1)
src: Source signal
Invert: Polarity of the trigger signal for the Action Command
Valid enum values for TriggerOverEthernet.SOURCE:
MUX_OUT0...MUX_OUT15: Multiplexer output 0...15
- GetInternalCounter(...) from .wrappertype
- GetInternalCounter(self, CommandID: int) -> int
- GetNumberOfCommands(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfCommands(self) -> int
Returns the number of supported Action Commands.
- Reset(...) from .wrappertype
- Reset(self)
Resets the device to default settings.
- ResetActionCommand(...) from .wrappertype
- ResetActionCommand(self, CommandID: int)
Disables and clears the configuration for the given command ID.
CommandID: Index of the Action Command, 0 ... (GetNumberOfCommands() - 1)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- SOURCE = <enum 'SOURCE'>
- An enumeration.
Methods inherited from iDevice:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors inherited from iDevice:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class VIBSystem(.wrapper) |
The factory for devices. |
- Method resolution order:
- VIBSystem
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- CloseDevice(...) from .wrappertype
- CloseDevice(self, pDevice: Optional[iDevice])
Closes a device.
- CreateInstance(...) from .wrappertype
- CreateInstance() -> Optional[VIBSystem]
Creates a factory instance for the mainboard.
CreateInstance(SysType: eSystemType, Index: int) -> Optional[VIBSystem]
Creates a factory instance for the specified hardware entity.
CreateInstance(HardwareType: eHardwareType, Index: int) -> Optional[VIBSystem]
Creates a factory instance for a specific hardware entity.
- DeleteInstance(...) from .wrappertype
- DeleteInstance(pObj: Optional[VIBSystem])
Releases the device object.
- GetAPIVersion(...) from .wrappertype
- GetAPIVersion(self) -> (int, int, int, int)
Returns the version of this library.
The version consists of four parts which are returned by this function: major, minor, patchlevel and buildnumber.
- GetDeviceInfo(...) from .wrappertype
- GetDeviceInfo(self) -> List(DeviceInfo)
Returns a list of available devices for this hardware entity.
- GetFirmwareVersion(...) from .wrappertype
- GetFirmwareVersion(self, Index: int) -> (int, int, int, int)
Returns the firmware version for this hardware entity.
- GetHardwareType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetHardwareType(self) -> eHardwareType
Returns the type of the underlying hardware platform for this factory.
- GetNumberOfDeviceTypes(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfDeviceTypes(self) -> int
Returns the number of different device types for this hardware entity.
- GetNumberOfSystemTypes(...) from .wrappertype
- GetNumberOfSystemTypes() -> int
Returns number of different system types.
- GetSystemInfo(...) from .wrappertype
- GetSystemInfo() -> List(SystemInfo)
Returns a list of installed system types.
- GetVersionString(...) from .wrappertype
- GetVersionString(self) -> Optional[str]
Returns a string with version data from all components. (DLL, driver, FPGA, ...)
- IsOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- IsOpen(self, Type: eDeviceType, Index: int) -> bool
Checks if the device open.
- OpenDevice(...) from .wrappertype
- OpenDevice(self, Type: eDeviceType, Index: int) -> device object (iDevice)
Opens a device and returns a new device object.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class array(builtins.object) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __delitem__(self, key, /)
- Delete self[key].
- __getitem__(self, key, /)
- Return self[key].
- __len__(self, /)
- Return len(self).
- __repr__(self, /)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value, /)
- Set self[key] to value.
Static methods defined here:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class eDeviceType(enum.Enum) |
eDeviceType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration. |
- Method resolution order:
- eDeviceType
- enum.Enum
- builtins.object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- LCD = <eDeviceType.LCD: 15>
- LED = <eDeviceType.LED: 2>
- RS232 = <eDeviceType.RS232: 14>
- RS422 = <eDeviceType.RS422: 5>
- SERVICE = <eDeviceType.SERVICE: 7>
- STROBE = <eDeviceType.STROBE: 1>
- VCX = <eDeviceType.VCX: 16>
- VSX = <eDeviceType.VSX: 17>
Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
- name
- The name of the Enum member.
- value
- The value of the Enum member.
Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
- __members__
- Returns a mapping of member name->value.
This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
is a read-only view of the internal mapping.
class eHardwareType(enum.Enum) |
eHardwareType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration. |
- Method resolution order:
- eHardwareType
- enum.Enum
- builtins.object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- AGEX = <eHardwareType.AGEX: 0>
- AGEX2 = <eHardwareType.AGEX2: 1>
- AGEX2_CL = <eHardwareType.AGEX2_CL: 2>
- AGEX2_POETOE = <eHardwareType.AGEX2_POETOE: 3>
- AGEX3 = <eHardwareType.AGEX3: 4>
- AGEX4 = <eHardwareType.AGEX4: 7>
- AGEX5 = <eHardwareType.AGEX5: 12>
- AGEX5_CL = <eHardwareType.AGEX5_CL: 15>
- AGEX5_POETOE = <eHardwareType.AGEX5_POETOE: 13>
- AI = <eHardwareType.AI: 19>
- DAYTONA = <eHardwareType.DAYTONA: 16>
- LEMANS = <eHardwareType.LEMANS: 9>
- MVC0 = <eHardwareType.MVC0: 6>
- MVM0 = <eHardwareType.MVM0: 5>
- MVM2 = <eHardwareType.MVM2: 18>
- PCIE_CL = <eHardwareType.PCIE_CL: 10>
- PCIE_POETOE = <eHardwareType.PCIE_POETOE: 11>
- VCXM = <eHardwareType.VCXM: 8>
- VCXM2 = <eHardwareType.VCXM2: 20>
- VSPV = <eHardwareType.VSPV: 14>
- VSPV3 = <eHardwareType.VSPV3: 17>
Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
- name
- The name of the Enum member.
- value
- The value of the Enum member.
Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
- __members__
- Returns a mapping of member name->value.
This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
is a read-only view of the internal mapping.
class eSystemType(enum.Enum) |
eSystemType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration. |
- Method resolution order:
- eSystemType
- enum.Enum
- builtins.object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- BASEBOARD = <eSystemType.BASEBOARD: 0>
- CL = <eSystemType.CL: 1>
- NETWORK = <eSystemType.NETWORK: 2>
Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
- name
- The name of the Enum member.
- value
- The value of the Enum member.
Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
- __members__
- Returns a mapping of member name->value.
This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
is a read-only view of the internal mapping.
class iDevice(.wrapper) |
The interface for all device implementations. |
- Method resolution order:
- iDevice
- .wrapper
- .simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- Close(...) from .wrappertype
- Close(self)
Closes a device.
The object must be in open state when calling this function.
After a device object is closed, the device can't be used until it's
opened again.
Internally, a reference count is stored for each device to make sure
that the device is only closed for the last copy of the object.
- GetType(...) from .wrappertype
- GetType(self) -> eDeviceType
Returns the device type for the current object.
- Open(...) from .wrappertype
- Open(self, index: int = 0)
Opens a device.
The object must be in a closed state when calling this function.
index: Device index across all hardware entities
- isOpen(...) from .wrappertype
- isOpen(self) -> bool
Returns the open state of a device object, true if the device is open.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from .simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class simplewrapper(builtins.object) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods defined here:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
class voidptr(builtins.object) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __bool__(self, /)
- self != 0
- __delitem__(self, key, /)
- Delete self[key].
- __getitem__(self, key, /)
- Return self[key].
- __int__(self, /)
- int(self)
- __len__(self, /)
- Return len(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value, /)
- Set self[key] to value.
- asarray(...)
- ascapsule(...)
- asstring(...)
- getsize(...)
- getwriteable(...)
- setsize(...)
- setwriteable(...)
Static methods defined here:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class wrapper(simplewrapper) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- wrapper
- simplewrapper
- builtins.object
Methods inherited from simplewrapper:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from simplewrapper:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from .wrappertype
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from simplewrapper:
- __dict__
class wrappertype(builtins.type) |
type(object_or_name, bases, dict)
type(object) -> the object's type
type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type |
- Method resolution order:
- wrappertype
- builtins.type
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __delattr__(self, name, /)
- Implement delattr(self, name).
- __getattribute__(self, name, /)
- Return getattr(self, name).
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
- Implement setattr(self, name, value).
Methods inherited from builtins.type:
- __call__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Call self as a function.
- __dir__(self, /)
- Specialized __dir__ implementation for types.
- __instancecheck__(self, instance, /)
- Check if an object is an instance.
- __repr__(self, /)
- Return repr(self).
- __sizeof__(self, /)
- Return memory consumption of the type object.
- __subclasscheck__(self, subclass, /)
- Check if a class is a subclass.
- __subclasses__(self, /)
- Return a list of immediate subclasses.
- mro(self, /)
- Return a type's method resolution order.
Class methods inherited from builtins.type:
- __prepare__(...) from builtins.type
- __prepare__() -> dict
used to create the namespace for the class statement
Static methods inherited from builtins.type:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Data descriptors inherited from builtins.type:
- __abstractmethods__
- __dict__
- __text_signature__
Data and other attributes inherited from builtins.type:
- __base__ = <class 'type'>
- type(object_or_name, bases, dict)
type(object) -> the object's type
type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type
- __bases__ = (<class 'type'>,)
- __basicsize__ = 904
- __dictoffset__ = 264
- __flags__ = 2148291584
- __itemsize__ = 40
- __mro__ = (<class '.wrappertype'>, <class 'type'>, <class 'object'>)
- __weakrefoffset__ = 368
| |