IMAGO Linux SDK (2024-12-03)
Using the SDK

Directory structure

The SDK files are installed into the directory /opt/ImagoTechnologies/SDK/

SDK directory contents
Subdirectory Contents
doc SDK documentation in HTML format
driver Driver source code
examples Example source code
include C/C++ Header files
lib Shared libraries
man Man pages for the VisionBox Interface Library
python Python bindings

Code examples

Please refer to the following library documentation pages for building and running the first example programs:

Python bindings

Python examples can be found in the following SDK folder:


Also take a look at the following documentation pages:

Man pages

Man pages are installed automatically for the VIB Interface API. For example:

~# man VIB
~# man VIB_DigitalOutput


The Linux program pkg-config can be used to query the required compiler and linker flags. For example:

~# pkg-config --modversion imago-sdk
~# pkg-config --cflags imago-sdk
~# pkg-config --libs imago-sdk
-L/opt/ImagoTechnologies/SDK/lib -lVIBInterface -lFGCamera