VisionBox Interface Library (2024-12-03)
VIB::CameraLinkIn Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for VIB::CameraLinkIn:

Detailed Description

This class represents the Camera Link grabber module.

One instance of this class controls one or two Camera Link input connectors which are physically combined on the same hardware. Depending on the hardware and firmware, Camera Link Base (single or dual channel), Medium, Full and Deca configurations are supported. The function GetNumberOfInputs() can be used to determine which configurations are available.

Required steps for image acquisition

  • Initialization
    • The function ConfigureCLInput() is called to initialize a camera channel. The Camera Link data format, the AOI size and additional options like ignoring the FVAL signal (frame valid) when using line scan cameras are specified.
    • Image buffers have to be allocated by calling AllocateImageBuffer() and added to the acquisition queue with AddImageBufferForCapturing(). Ownership of the buffers is transferred to the library and acquisition of camera frames begins.
  • Acquisition loop
    • WaitForImageBuffer() is used to wait for completion of a buffer. Ownership is transferred to the user again.
    • After the user has finished processing the image data, the buffer can be transferred back to the acquisition queue again by calling AddImageBufferForCapturing().
  • Stopping image acquisition
  • The grabber starts using the next available buffer from the acquisition queue at the beginning of the next camera frame, (or the next line for line scan cameras). If no buffer is available, the frame will be dropped. Use multiple buffers to avoid dropped frames.
  • Multiple threads can call WaitForImageBuffer() simultaneously to check for new images. This can help to enable parallel image processing using multiple CPU cores.
  • In order to reconfigure a camera channel with ConfigureCLInput(), acquisition has to be stopped and all buffers have to be freed first.
+ Example

This example demonstrates a simple use case for acquiring images from a camera.

The following assumptions are made:

  • A CL Base camera is connected on the first Camera Link connector
  • The camera is running in free-run mode
  • The camera delivers images with 8-bit Camera Link format and a resolution of at least 640 × 480 pixels
VIB::CameraLinkIn cameraLink;
void *pBuffer = NULL;
const unsigned short Width = 640;
const unsigned short Height = 480;
const unsigned int channel = 0;
const unsigned int buffers = 4;
bool isImgValid;
// Open the first CameraLinkIn device
// set the AOI size and the pixel format
// allocate image buffers and add them to the acquisition queue
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffers; i++)
cameraLink.AllocateImageBuffer(channel, &pBuffer);
cameraLink.AddImageBufferForCapturing(channel, pBuffer);
// acquisition loop
while (running)
// wait for a new image using a timeout of 1000 ms
cameraLink.WaitForImageBuffer(channel, 1000, &pBuffer, isImgValid);
if (pBuffer != NULL)
if (isImgValid)
// work with the buffer
printf("Frame is invalid\n");
// add the buffer into the acquisition queue again
cameraLink.AddImageBufferForCapturing(channel, pBuffer);
printf("Frame timeout\n");
// Abort image acquisition
// Get image buffers from the library and release them
while (true)
cameraLink.WaitForImageBuffer(channel, 0, &pBuffer, isImgValid);
if (pBuffer == NULL)
cameraLink.FreeImageBuffer(channel, pBuffer);

Please note that error checking was removed to keep the code as simple as possible.

Triggering Camera Link cameras

The Camera Link standard defines four output signals which are mainly used for triggering cameras, also known as CC-Lines. The state of every line can be individually configured with ConfigureCC(). The Multiplexer output signals are available as source for the CC lines.

+ Example: generate a fixed frequency trigger signal

The internal TriggerGenerator is configured to generate a 10 Hz signal and then used as camera trigger on the CC1 line.

VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
VIB::CameraLinkIn cameraLink;
const unsigned int channel = 0;
// Open devices: Multiplexer, Trigger Unit and Camera Link
// Trigger Unit: configure a signal generator to 10Hz and connect it to output 0 of the unit
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("GenA_tLow=50ms GenA_tHigh=50ms TrigOut0_Mux=GenA");
// Multiplexer: connect multiplexer output 0 to the trigger unit
// Connect the CC1 line to the multiplexer output
cameraLink.ConfigureCC( channel,
1, // CC-line index for CC1
VIB::CameraLinkIn::CL_IN_CC_SRC_MUX_OUT0, //source for the CC line
false ); // no inversion of the signal
// ...

Please note that error checking was removed to keep the code as simple as possible.

+ Example: derive trigger signal from an incremental encoder

The internal TriggerGenerator is configured to divide the encoder signal and then use it as camera trigger on the CC1 line.

VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
VIB::CameraLinkIn cameraLink;
const unsigned int channel = 0;
// Open devices: Multiplexer, Trigger Unit and Camera Link
// Multiplexer: make encoder A/B available for the trigger unit
// Trigger Unit: use DividerA to reduce the frequency of the encoder signal by 10
// Trigger Unit: connect divider output to output 0 of the unit
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("MuxIntern0=DividerA TrigOut0_Mux=TrigIntern0");
// Multiplexer: connect multiplexer output 2 to the trigger unit
// Connect the CC1 line to the multiplexer output
cameraLink.ConfigureCC( channel,
1, // CC-line index for CC1
VIB::CameraLinkIn::CL_IN_CC_SRC_MUX_OUT2, //source for the CC line
false ); // no inversion of the signal

Please note that error checking was removed to keep the code as simple as possible.

Using embedded image, trigger and timestamp counters

Three counters can be enabled in order to embed additional information at the beginning of each frame or each line for line scan cameras. The counters are controlled by the InFlags parameter for ConfigureCLInput():

The image counter can be used for detection of dropped camera frames or lines which are caused by insufficient acquisition buffers. With area scan cameras, the image counter increases with every frame received from the camera (FVAL signal).

The CC1 trigger counter is used in triggered mode for detection of ignored trigger events, for example when the trigger signal on CC1 is arriving too fast for the camera.

The timestamp value is based on a micro-second counter which is inserted by the FPGA during reception of the frame start or line start on the Camera Link interface.

If a counter is enabled, the original pixel data from the camera is overwritten by the corresponding counter value. The location of the counter values is fixed, see example below.

  • When using line scan cameras (flag CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_IGNORE_FVAL), the counters are inserted into every line. The image counter increases with every line received from the camera (LVAL signal).
  • Depending on the processing pipeline delay of the camera, the inserted trigger counter can be inaccurate if the image data arrives later than the next trigger event. This is mainly an issue with line scan cameras at high line rates.
+ Example code for reading embedded counters with area scan cameras

bool checkCounters = false;
unsigned short frameCounter[2];
unsigned short trgCounter[2];
unsigned int timestamp[2];
// enable all counters
while (running)
bool isImgValid;
// wait for a new image using a timeout of 1000 ms
cameraLink.WaitForImageBuffer(channel, 1000, &pBuffer, isImgValid);
if (pBuffer != NULL)
if (isImgValid)
// read the counter values from the beginning of the image:
frameCounter[0] = ((unsigned short *)pBuffer)[0];
trgCounter[0] = ((unsigned short *)pBuffer)[1];
timestamp[0] = ((unsigned int *)pBuffer)[1];
if (checkCounters)
unsigned short counterDiff;
// check the received sensor frames
counterDiff = frameCounter[0] - frameCounter[1];
if (counterDiff != 1)
printf("%u camera frames dropped\n", counterDiff);
// check the trigger counter
counterDiff = trgCounter[0] - trgCounter[1];
if (counterDiff != 1)
printf("%u CC1 trigger events dropped\n", counterDiff);
printf("Frame period: %u us\n", timestamp[0] - timestamp[1]);
// delayed start of counter check
checkCounters = true;
// store values for the next cycle
frameCounter[1] = frameCounter[0];
trgCounter[1] = trgCounter[0];
timestamp[1] = timestamp[0];
printf("Frame is invalid\n");
// add the buffer into the acquisition queue again
cameraLink.AddImageBufferForCapturing(channel, pBuffer);
printf("Frame timeout\n");

Please note that no error checking is performed in the examples in order to simplify the code.

Serial Communication API

The Rs232 device can be used to enable communication with the connected camera through the Camera Link cable.

When using a Windows platform, the Serial Communications API defined by the Camera Link specification can also be used. This allows access by third party configuration tools provided by the camera manufacturer for example.

The Windows SDK installer configures the following registry values for finding the required DLL clserima.dll, existing registry values will not be overwritten:

  • Windows 32 bit:
    -> CLSERIALPATH (REG_SZ) = %ProgramFiles%\CameraLink\Serial
  • Windows 64 bit:
    -> CLSERIALPATH (REG_SZ) = %ProgramFiles%\CameraLink\Serial
    -> CLSERIALPATH (REG_SZ) = %ProgramFiles(x86)%\CameraLink\Serial

The SDK installer copies the 32-bit and 64-bit DLL variants of clserima.dll to the locations specified by the registry values.

The registry values are evaluated by the middleware DLL named clallserial.dll. This DLL searches for frame grabber DLLs in the specified directory, for example clserima.dll.

clallserial.dll provides a common interface for camera control applications. It is normally provided by the camera manufacturer, or it can be downloaded here: CLALLSERIAL Project.

Hardware, library and firmware dependencies

+ Available features depend on the combination of hardware type, software library and FPGA version (click to expand the table):
Hardware Precondition Supported capabilities
Library Version FPGA Version Camera Link Deca Unused byte for 24 bit RGB
PCIe Camera Link Card SYST_CL: yes 0xff SYST_CL: no 0xff
no 0xff
yes 0xff
VisionCam XM SYST_BASEBOARD: no 0xff
  • The VisionCam XM doesn't have a Camera Link connector, but uses Camera Link signaling internally for the sensor. This API is normally not invoked directly by the user, but by the FG Camera library.
  • In order to reconfigure a camera channel using ConfigureCLInput() with library <, the CameraLinkIn instance has to be closed first.

Public Types

 The source signals for the Camera Link CC lines, used by ConfigureCC() More...
 Special or additional configuration modes, used by ConfigureCLInput() More...
 The data organization on the Camera Link interface, used by ConfigureCLInput() More...
 Type of Camera Link module configuration ConfigureModule() More...

Public Member Functions

bool AbortBufferUsage (const unsigned int ChannelIndex)
 Forces the driver to stop using image buffers. More...
bool AbortWaitingForDMA (const unsigned int ChannelIndex)
 Forces all waiting threads to return from the WaitForImageBuffer() function call. More...
bool AddImageBufferForCapturing (const unsigned int ChannelIndex, void *ptr)
 Adds an image buffer to the acquisition queue for capturing new camera frames. More...
bool AllocateImageBuffer (const unsigned int ChannelIndex, void **pptr)
 Allocates a image buffer for capturing. More...
 CameraLinkIn ()
 Default constructor for the device object More...
bool ConfigureCC (const unsigned int ChannelIndex, const unsigned int CCIndex, const VIB::CameraLinkIn::CC_SOURCE src, const bool Invert)
 Selects the source for the given CameraLink-CC line. More...
bool ConfigureCLInput (unsigned int ChannelIndex, VIB::CameraLinkIn::INMODE_TYPE InType, unsigned int InFlags, unsigned int AOI_Width, unsigned int AOI_Height, unsigned int AOI_X=0, unsigned int AOI_Y=0)
 Initializes a camera channel. More...
bool ConfigureCLInput (unsigned int ChannelIndex, VIB::CameraLinkIn::INMODE_TYPE InType, unsigned int InFlags, unsigned short Width, unsigned short Height, unsigned short AOI_X, unsigned short AOI_Y, unsigned short AOI_Width, unsigned short AOI_Height)
 Initializes a camera channel. More...
bool ConfigureModule (const VIB::CameraLinkIn::MODULE_CONFIGURATION ModuleConfig)
 Configures the module to the given CL mode. More...
bool FreeImageBuffer (const unsigned int ChannelIndex, void *ptr)
 Frees the specified buffer. More...
bool GetAOI (unsigned int ChannelIndex, unsigned int &AOI_X, unsigned int &AOI_Y, unsigned int &AOI_Width, unsigned int &AOI_Height)
 Returns the configured AOI size. More...
bool GetBitsPerPixel (unsigned int ChannelIndex, unsigned int &ValidBits, unsigned int &BufferBits)
 Returns the number of bits for each pixel. More...
bool GetBufferSize (unsigned int ChannelIndex, unsigned int &Bytes)
 Returns the number of bytes allocated for each image buffer. More...
bool GetNumberOfInputs (const VIB::CameraLinkIn::MODULE_CONFIGURATION ModuleConfig, unsigned int &NumberOfInputs)
 Returns the number of independent camera channels for the given configuration. More...
bool Reset ()
 Resets the device to default settings. More...
bool WaitForImageBuffer (unsigned int ChannelIndex, unsigned int msTimeOut, void **pPtr, bool &IsContentValid)
 Waits for completion of image buffers and transfers ownership to the user. More...
bool WaitForImageBuffer (unsigned int ChannelIndex, unsigned int msTimeOut, void **pPtr, bool &IsContentValid, unsigned long long &timestamp)
 Waits for completion of image buffers and transfers ownership to the user. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VIB::iDevice
bool Close ()
 Closes a device More...
 iDevice (const iDevice &device)
 The copy constructor makes a copy of the existing device object More...
bool isOpen (bool &state)
 Returns the open state of a device object More...
bool Open (unsigned int Index=0)
 Opens a device More...
iDeviceoperator= (const iDevice &device)
 The assignment operator makes a copy of the existing device object More...
virtual ~iDevice ()
 Deletes the device object More...

Member Enumeration Documentation


The source signals for the Camera Link CC lines, used by ConfigureCC()


static off


static on


Multiplexer Output 0.


Multiplexer Output 1.


Multiplexer Output 2.


Multiplexer Output 3.


Multiplexer Output 4.


Multiplexer Output 5.


Multiplexer Output 6.


Multiplexer Output 7.


Multiplexer Output 8.


Multiplexer Output 9.


Multiplexer Output 10.


Multiplexer Output 11.


Multiplexer Output 12.


Multiplexer Output 13.


Multiplexer Output 14.


Multiplexer Output 15.


Special or additional configuration modes, used by ConfigureCLInput()


Default value if no special behavior required.


Use this value for linescan cameras.


Ignore the Camera Link DVAL signal (data valid)


Insert a 16 bit frame / line counter at the beginning of each frame / line.


Insert a 16 bit CC1 trigger counter at the beginning of each frame / line.


Insert a 32 bit timestamp into the beginning of each frame / line (1 µs time base)


The data organization on the Camera Link interface, used by ConfigureCLInput()

The term Tap refers to Camera Link Tap (pixels), which should not be confused with tap arrangement of the sensor.

CL Base: 1 tap / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Base: 1 tap / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 1 tap / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 1 tap / 14 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 1 tap / 16 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 2 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Base: 2 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 2 taps / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Base: 3 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Base: 1 tap / 3x 8 bit, memory size: 4 byte per pixel (one dummy byte)


CL Medium: 4 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Medium: 4 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Medium: 4 taps / 12 bit, memory size: 2 bytes per pixel.


CL Medium: 6 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Medium: 1 tap / 3x 10 bit, memory size: 8 bytes per pixel (3x 2 bytes + two dummy bytes)


CL Medium: 1 tap / 3x 12 bit, memory size: 8 bytes per pixel (3x 2 bytes + two dummy bytes)


CL Medium: 2 taps / 3x 8 bit, memory size: 4 byte per pixel (one dummy byte)


CL Full: 8 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Deca: 10 taps / 8 bit, memory size: 1 byte per pixel.


CL Deca: 8 taps / 10 bit, memory size: 10 bits per pixel
Memory storage: eight bytes containing the MSBs for eight pixels, followed by two bytes containing the remaining two LSBs for these pixels.


Type of Camera Link module configuration ConfigureModule()


CL-Base input, one cable for one camera.


CL-Medium input, two cables for one camera.


CL-Full input, two cables for one camera.


CL-Deca input, two cables for one camera.


Automatically determine configuration based on INMODE_TYPE (default)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CameraLinkIn()

VIB::CameraLinkIn::CameraLinkIn ( )

Default constructor for the device object

The device must be opened with Open() before it can be used.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AbortBufferUsage()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::AbortBufferUsage ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex)

Forces the driver to stop using image buffers.

After return of this function, the user can obtain ownership of the buffers by calling WaitForImageBuffer(). Buffers cannot be added to the acquisition queue again, they can only be freed.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ AbortWaitingForDMA()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::AbortWaitingForDMA ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex)

Forces all waiting threads to return from the WaitForImageBuffer() function call.

WaitForImageBuffer() calls normally return with an error, but they may also return with a buffer or a timeout depending on the timing.

New calls to WaitForImageBuffer() are not allowed until this function returns.

Image acquisition is not affected by this function, the library continues using the buffers in the acquisition queue until AbortBufferUsage() is called.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ AddImageBufferForCapturing()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::AddImageBufferForCapturing ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
void *  ptr 

Adds an image buffer to the acquisition queue for capturing new camera frames.

After a buffer was added to the queue using this function it is controlled by the library. It’s not allowed to access or free this buffer until the buffer is delivered to the user by calling WaitForImageBuffer().

For area scan cameras, the grabber will fill available image buffers in the queue with valid camera frames. If no buffers are available, camera frames will get dropped.

For line scan cameras (see CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_IGNORE_FVAL), the grabber will accumulate valid camera lines into available buffers. If no buffers are available, camera lines will get dropped.

There is no rule in which sequence the added buffers are used.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
ptrPointer to a valid image buffer, allocated with AllocateImageBuffer()
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ AllocateImageBuffer()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::AllocateImageBuffer ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
void **  pptr 

Allocates a image buffer for capturing.

The allocated buffer size can be obtained with GetBufferSize().

It is not allowed to use a buffer with a channel which was allocated for a different channel.
Furthermore, the buffer must be released by FreeImageBuffer(), not by free() or delete().
ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
pptrPointer to the new image buffer
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ ConfigureCC()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::ConfigureCC ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
const unsigned int  CCIndex,
const VIB::CameraLinkIn::CC_SOURCE  src,
const bool  Invert 

Selects the source for the given CameraLink-CC line.

See Triggering Camera Link cameras for example code.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
CCIndexIndex for the CC-Line [1...4]
srcThe desired source signal
InvertPolarity of the output signal
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ ConfigureCLInput() [1/2]

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::ConfigureCLInput ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
VIB::CameraLinkIn::INMODE_TYPE  InType,
unsigned int  InFlags,
unsigned int  AOI_Width,
unsigned int  AOI_Height,
unsigned int  AOI_X = 0,
unsigned int  AOI_Y = 0 

Initializes a camera channel.

In order to reconfigure a camera channel with this function, the acquisition has to be stopped with AbortBufferUsage and all buffers have to be freed first.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
InTypeCamera Link pixel format
InFlagsBitwise OR of configuration flags defined in INMODE_FLAGS
Use CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_DEFAULT for area scan cameras and CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_IGNORE_FVAL for line scan cameras
AOI_WidthAOI width
AOI_HeightAOI height
AOI_XHorizontal start position
AOI_Yvertical start position
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ ConfigureCLInput() [2/2]

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::ConfigureCLInput ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
VIB::CameraLinkIn::INMODE_TYPE  InType,
unsigned int  InFlags,
unsigned short  Width,
unsigned short  Height,
unsigned short  AOI_X,
unsigned short  AOI_Y,
unsigned short  AOI_Width,
unsigned short  AOI_Height 

Initializes a camera channel.

In order to reconfigure a camera channel with this function, the acquisition has to be stopped with AbortBufferUsage and all buffers have to be freed first.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
InTypeCamera Link pixel format
InFlagsBitwise OR of configuration flags defined in INMODE_FLAGS
Use CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_DEFAULT for area scan cameras and CL_IN_INMODE_FLAGS_IGNORE_FVAL for line scan cameras
WidthThe complete camera frame width
HeightThe complete camera frame Height
AOI_XHorizontal start position
AOI_Yvertical start position
AOI_WidthAOI width
AOI_HeightAOI height
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ ConfigureModule()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::ConfigureModule ( const VIB::CameraLinkIn::MODULE_CONFIGURATION  ModuleConfig)

Configures the module to the given CL mode.

The default mode is CL_IN_MODULECONFIG_AUTO: the CL configuration is determined by the InType parameter when calling ConfigureCLInput().

ModuleConfigthe new working mode for the whole module
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ FreeImageBuffer()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::FreeImageBuffer ( const unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
void *  ptr 

Frees the specified buffer.

It is only allowed to clean up buffers which are owned by the user. Use AbortBufferUsage() and WaitForImageBuffer() to gain ownership for buffers in the acquisition queue.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
ptrPointer to the image buffer
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ GetAOI()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::GetAOI ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
unsigned int &  AOI_X,
unsigned int &  AOI_Y,
unsigned int &  AOI_Width,
unsigned int &  AOI_Height 

Returns the configured AOI size.

The camera channel must be configured with ConfigureCLInput() before calling this function.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
AOI_XHorizontal AOI start position
AOI_YVertical AOI start position
AOI_WidthAOI width
AOI_HeightAOI height
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ GetBitsPerPixel()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::GetBitsPerPixel ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
unsigned int &  ValidBits,
unsigned int &  BufferBits 

Returns the number of bits for each pixel.

The camera channel must be configured with ConfigureCLInput() before calling this function.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
ValidBitsNumber of usable bits per pixel
BufferBitsNumber of bits per pixel used in the image buffers, including the unused padding bits
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ GetBufferSize()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::GetBufferSize ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
unsigned int &  Bytes 

Returns the number of bytes allocated for each image buffer.

The camera channel must be configured with ConfigureCLInput() before calling this function.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
BytesNumber of bytes
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ GetNumberOfInputs()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::GetNumberOfInputs ( const VIB::CameraLinkIn::MODULE_CONFIGURATION  ModuleConfig,
unsigned int &  NumberOfInputs 

Returns the number of independent camera channels for the given configuration.

The number depends on hardware, firmware and the specified Camera Link configuration. The returned number can be 0 for not supported, 1 for one channel and 2 for two channels (CL Base only).

ModuleConfigSpecifies the configuration for which the function returns the number of channels
NumberOfInputsReturns the number of channels / cameras which can be connected
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ Reset()

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::Reset ( )

Resets the device to default settings.

Only the CC lines are currently affected when calling this function. All signals are turned off (CL_IN_CC_SRC_OFF).

true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description

◆ WaitForImageBuffer() [1/2]

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::WaitForImageBuffer ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
unsigned int  msTimeOut,
void **  pPtr,
bool &  IsContentValid 

Waits for completion of image buffers and transfers ownership to the user.

See overloaded version of WaitForImageBuffer() with the additional timestamp parameter for a detailed description.

◆ WaitForImageBuffer() [2/2]

bool VIB::CameraLinkIn::WaitForImageBuffer ( unsigned int  ChannelIndex,
unsigned int  msTimeOut,
void **  pPtr,
bool &  IsContentValid,
unsigned long long &  timestamp 

Waits for completion of image buffers and transfers ownership to the user.

Multiple threads can call this function simultaneously. The first caller returns first with the next completed buffer.

After successful return of the function, one of three events have occurred:

  • The returned image buffer in pPtr is valid and IsContentValid is true:
    The ownership of the buffer is transferred to the user and image acquisition was successful.
  • The returned image buffer in pPtr is valid and IsContentValid is false:
    The ownership of the buffer is transferred to the user, but the image acquisition was not successful. The contens of the image buffer are not valid or only partially valid. The cause can be an incorrectly configured frame size and format, a problem with the Camera Link signals, or after call of AbortBufferUsage().
  • The returned image buffer in pPtr is invalid (NULL):
    The timeout expired or AbortWaitingForDMA() was called. Image buffers remain in the acquisition queue. After a timeout, the user can call this function again to check for ready images.

After a valid buffer was returned, it can be released with FreeImageBuffer() or added to the acquisition queue again with WaitForImageBuffer().

This function is also used to obtain buffers after AbortBufferUsage() was called.

ChannelIndexCamera index, 0 ... GetNumberOfInputs()
msTimeOutTimeOut in milliseconds, 0 ... INFINITE
pPtrDouble pointer for storing the new image buffer or NULL
IsContentValidIf the returned image buffer in pPtr is valid, this flag indicates if the buffer contents are valid (acquisition was successful)
timestampIf the returned image buffer in pPtr is valid, the timestamp value contains the point in time of the image transfer completion within the driver. The timestamp value is stored in micro-seconds and is based on the following clocks:
Windows: performance counter (QueryPerformanceCounter()), requires driver ≥ v1.3.2.0
Linux: CLOCK_MONOTONIC, requires driver ≥ v1.2.0.0
The value will be zero if the driver doesn't support timestamps.
true for success, use VIBSystem::GetLastErrorString() for an error description
SYNC group 0, signal 0.
Definition: VIB_Interface.h:764
bool ConnectOutput(unsigned int OutputIndex, Multiplexer::MUX_SOURCE Source)
Selects the source signal for the specified output line.
Definition: Multiplexer.cpp:447
bool ConfigureSet(const char Command[])
Generic function for controlling the FPGA trigger unit.
Definition: TriggerGenerator.cpp:631
This class controls the FPGA Trigger Unit.
Definition: VIB_Interface.h:716
TriggerGenerator output 0.
Definition: VIB_Interface.h:768
This class controls the Multiplexer unit which connects signal sources and sinks with each other.
Definition: VIB_Interface.h:739
SYNC group 0, signal 1.
Definition: VIB_Interface.h:765
bool Open(unsigned int Index=0)
Opens a device
Definition: iDevice.cpp:109