FG Camera Library (2024-12-03)
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Sony IMX565 / IMX567


The following Sony Pregius S sensor models are available for the VisionCam XM2:

Supported sensors
Sensor Type eFG_CAMERA_TYPE Number of
usable pixels
Pixel size Optical format
IMX565-AAMJ Monochrome FG_CAMERA_TYPE_4096_3008_IMAGO_VCx_IMX565M 4096 x 3008 2.74 µm x 2.74 µm 1/1.1"
IMX567-AAMJ Monochrome FG_CAMERA_TYPE_2432_2064_IMAGO_VCx_IMX567M 2432 x 2064 1/1.8"


  • Global shutter
  • Overlapped integration and readout in free-run mode
  • 10-bit to 8-bit conversion using linear mapping or compression
  • Automatic black level correction
  • 2x2 pixel binning
  • Vertical and horizontal mirroring
  • Hardware trigger controlled by RTCC
  • Short trigger delay < 1 µs

Supported pixel formats

The supported pixel formats are listed below:

Supported pixel types
Sensor eFG_PIXEL_TYPE Output format
IMX56x-AAMJ (Monochrome) FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_8 1 byte per pixel
IMX56x-AAQJ (Color) FG_PIXEL_TYPE_Y_8 Raw bayer, 1 byte per pixel

Frame rate

The frame rate can be increased be reducing the AOI height or by using binning mode. Use the calculator to obtain the maximum frame rate in free-run mode:

Frame rate: 42.5 fps
Frame rate: 96.3 fps

  • The exposure duration reduces the achievable frame rate in triggered mode, because integration and readout of the previous frame cannot run simultaneously.
  • Binning 2x2 is not available for color sensors.

Special features

The sensor supports the following special features, see also section Configure special features for additional features:

Special features
Property name Description
Mirror Flips the image horizontally and / or vertically
0: no flipping (default)
1: flip horizontally
2: flip vertically
3: flip horizontally and vertically (rotation by 180°)
The order of color components for raw Bayer format depends on this setting. Use FG_get_pixel_order() to get the order after the Mirror option is configured.
Binning Binning mode
1: no pixel binning (default)
2: 2x2 pixel binning
  • Color sensors are not supported.
  • The binning mode must be configured before the first buffer is allocated.
  • The parameters for FG_set_scan_param() and FG_set_aoi() refer to the reduced image size after binning is enabled.
  • Binning increases pixel brightness by a factor of four (sum of four pixels).
ImageMode Controls the digital test pattern:
0: Video output
1: Enable test pattern
FrameRate Sets the desired sensor frame rate in Hertz. This setting is only applied in free run mode. The actual frame rate may be lower if the exposure time setting is too high, or if the sensor's limit is exceeded.
0: Use maximum frame rate
≥ 1: Desired frame rate in Hertz
ScanPeriod Sets the desired sensor frame period in microseconds (similar to "FrameRate"). This setting is only applied in free run mode. The actual frame period may be longer if the exposure time setting is too high, or if the sensor's limit is exceeded.
0: Use maximum frame rate
≥ 1: Desired frame period in µs
Compression Controls the mapping of 10 bit pixels to 8 bit output values, see Compression.
0: Linear mapping (default)
1: Compression mapping 1
2: Compression mapping 2
Temperature Returns the sensor's temperature in °C

Additional features are described in the section Using hardware trigger.


A linear mapping of 10-bit pixel values to 8-bit output values is used by default. Compression can be enabled to provide higher resolution at low light and lower resolution at high light.

Three Compression settings are supported (0...2):