FG Camera Library (2024-12-03)
VisionCam XM / LM

The VisionCam XM/XM2 provides a user-configurable FPGA, the "Real Time Communication Controller" (RTCC). It contains functional units for controlling trigger signals.

The RTCC can be configured by using the VisionBox Interface Library. The relevant modules are listed below:

Also take a look at the Sensors page for information about available sensors.

Using hardware trigger

The function FG_set_trigger_mode() is used to configure one of the trigger modes:

  • Free-run
  • Software triggered
  • Hardware triggered


// Enable hardware trigger

The VisionCam XM uses the VIB::Multiplexer output line 0 as hardware trigger for the sensor by default. The Multiplexer line can be changed with the special feature TriggerLine. The sensor will trigger on a rising edge of the signal. There are no restrictions on the pulse length.

Property name Description Library
TriggerLine Sets the VIB::Multiplexer line to use as trigger source in hardware triggered mode (default: 0). ≥

+ Example 1: Use a digital input to trigger the sensor

In the following example, the digital input 0 is connected to the sensor by using the Multiplexer output 2:

VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
unsigned int muxOutput = 2;
// Open the multiplexer device
// Connect the multiplexer output with the first digital input
// Setup the FG camera interface
// Use hardware triggered mode
// Select the multiplexer output for triggering the sensor
FG_set_special_option("TriggerLine", muxOutput);

Please note that no error checking is performed in the examples in order to simplify the code.

+ Example 2: Derive the trigger signal from a rotary encoder

The following example shows how to configure the RTCC for using a rotary encoder to generate an adequate trigger signal. This is often useful for line scan applications (Dragster Line Scan sensor or Lince5M181 sensor in Line scan mode).

The example uses DividerA withtin the Trigger Unit (VIB::TriggerGenerator) with the encoder signals A and B. The divider value EncoderDivider (1...) determines the ratio between encoder speed and trigger frequency.

void SetupTrigger(unsigned int EncoderDivider)
VIB::TriggerGenerator triggerUnit;
VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
char text[200];
// Open Multiplexer and Trigger Unit
// Connect RS-422 encoder signals A and B to MUX output 0 and 1
multiplexer.ConnectOutput(0, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_0); // encoder signal A
multiplexer.ConnectOutput(1, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_1); // encoder signal B
// Setup DividerA using both encoder signals to get the highest input frequency:
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "DividerA=%u,TrigIn0/1_Both", EncoderDivider);
// We use Divider output 'TrigInB' because it has twice the frequency compared to output 'DividerA'
// Connect the trigger signal to output 0 of the Trigger Unit
// Connect the trigger signal to MUX output 2
// Configure the sensor to use MUX output 2, the default is 0
FG_set_special_option("TriggerLine", 2);
// Activate hardware trigger for the sensor

Please note that no error checking is performed in the examples in order to simplify the code.

+ Example 3: Using an encoder and a frame trigger signal

This example is based on the previous example. An external frame trigger signal is now used to start acquistion for a limited number of trigger events. After a frame trigger happens, only the specified number of trigger events (TriggerCount) will be sent to the sensor. Further events are ignored, until the next frame trigger arrives. Further, the value TriggerDelay can be used to delay the first sensor event after the frame trigger. This value is also based on encoder position, not on time.

void SetupTrigger(unsigned int EncoderDivider, unsigned int TriggerCount, unsigned int TriggerDelay)
VIB::TriggerGenerator triggerUnit;
VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
char text[200];
// Open Multiplexer and Trigger Unit
multiplexer.ConnectOutput(0, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_0); // encoder signal A
multiplexer.ConnectOutput(1, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_1); // encoder signal B
multiplexer.ConnectOutput(2, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_DIG_IN0); // frame trigger at digital input 0
// multiplexer.ConnectOutput(2, VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_2); // alternatively: use encoder zero pulse as frame trigger
// Setup DividerA using both encoder signals to get the highest input frequency:
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "DividerA=%u,TrigIn0/1_Both", EncoderDivider);
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("DividerA_Reset=TrigIntern3"); // Use divider-reset to reduce jitter
// Use CounterB to generate a delay after the frame trigger signal
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("CounterB_Start=TrigIntern2"); // Use frame trigger as start signal
// Setup ON / OFF times to create a short output pulse after reaching the delay position:
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "CounterB=%u,TrigIn0/1_Both CounterB_ON=%u CounterB_OFF=%u",
EncoderDivider * TriggerDelay + 1, EncoderDivider * TriggerDelay, EncoderDivider * TriggerDelay + 1);
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("CounterB_Reset=Auto"); // Reset counter automatically after reaching the highest value
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("MuxIntern3=CounterB"); // CounterB output is the start signal for CounterA
// Use CounterA to mask the divider output
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("CounterA_Start=TrigIntern3"); // Use CounterB output as start signal
// Setup ON / OFF times to create the mask signal:
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "CounterA=%u,TrigIntern1_Both CounterA_On=1 CounterA_Off=%u", TriggerCount + 1, TriggerCount + 1);
triggerUnit.ConfigureSet("CounterA_Reset=Auto"); // Reset counter automatically after reaching the highest value
// Divider output 'TrigInB' is masked by CounterA
// Connect the trigger signal to output 0 of the Trigger Unit
// Connect the trigger signal to MUX output 3
// Configure the sensor to use MUX output 3, the default is 0
FG_set_special_option("TriggerLine", 3);
// Activate hardware trigger for the sensor

Please note that no error checking is performed in the examples in order to simplify the code.

Controlling the LED Strobe unit

The exposure signal is available to the Multiplexer by using VIB::Multiplexer::MUX_SRC_SYNC_1_0 as source signal.

In the following example, we use the exposure signal from the sensor to activate the internal LED ring light.

VIB::Multiplexer multiplexer;
VIB::Strobe strobe;
bool strobeInternal = true;
int result;
// Open the Multiplexer device
// Open the Strobe device
// Initialize the strobe unit
// Select the internal LED ring light as strobe output
// Set strobe parameters
strobe.SetFixedCurrent(24 /*SupplyVoltage*/, 12 /*LoadVoltage*/, 1000/*MaxOnTime*/, 0/*MinOffTime*/, 1000 /*Current*/, result);
// Connect the multiplexer output 0 with the exposure signal comming from the sensor
// Use the multiplexer output 0 as trigger signal for the strobe unit
// Configure the strobe trigger mode to copy the exposure signal
// Setup the FG Camera interface and start acquisition

Please note that error checking was removed to keep the code as simple as possible.

Using embedded image, trigger and timestamp counters

Three special features are provided in order to embed additional information into the beginning of each frame or each line for line scan cameras:

  • InsertImageCounter: a 16 bit value counting the number of sensor frames or lines for line scan cameras.
  • InsertTriggerCounter: a 16 bit value counting the number of trigger events received.
  • InsertTimeStamp: a 32 bit timestamp value in microseconds
Property name Description Version requirements
Library FPGA
InsertImageCounter Enables or disables insertion of a frame / line counter.
0: disable counter (default)
1: enable counter
≥ ≥
InsertTriggerCounter Enables or disables insertion of a trigger counter, see Using embedded image, trigger and timestamp counters.
0: disable counter (default)
1: enable counter
InsertTimeStamp Enables or disables insertion of a time stamp, see Using embedded image, trigger and timestamp counters.
0: disable time stamp (default)
1: enable time stamp

The image counter can be used for detection of dropped senor lines which are caused by insufficient acquisition buffers.

The trigger counter is used in hardware triggered mode for detection of ignored trigger events when the trigger signal is arriving too fast. This counter doesn't increment in free run mode.

  • Embedded counters are not avalailable for the VisionCam XM2
  • The counters must be configured before buffers are allocated.
  • Because of the processing pipeline delay for the Dragster line scan sensors, the inserted trigger counter can be inaccurate. Use the special feature InsertLineCounters for getting a synchronized trigger counter, see Embedded line and trigger counters.
+ Example code for reading embedded counters

int main()
int checkCounters = 0;
unsigned short frameCounter[2];
unsigned short trgCounter[2];
unsigned int timestamp[2];
// install and configure the camera
// configure customized hardware trigger
// activate all counters
FG_set_special_option("InsertImageCounter", 1);
FG_set_special_option("InsertTriggerCounter", 1);
FG_set_special_option("InsertTimeStamp", 1);
// allocate image buffers
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
// start acquisition
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
// enter acquisition loop
while (isRunning)
FG_IMAGE currentImage;
unsigned short counterDiff;
UINT32 res = FG_get_image(&currentImage, UINT_MAX);
// read the counter values from the beginning of the image:
frameCounter[0] = ((unsigned short *)currentImage.pixel_ptr)[0];
trgCounter[0] = ((unsigned short *)currentImage.pixel_ptr)[1];
timestamp[0] = ((unsigned int *)currentImage.pixel_ptr)[1];
if (checkCounters)
// check the received sensor frames
counterDiff = frameCounter[0] - frameCounter[1];
if (counterDiff != 1)
printf("%d sensor frames dropped\n", counterDiff - 1);
// check the trigger counter
counterDiff = trgCounter[0] - trgCounter[1];
if (counterDiff != 1)
printf("%d trigger events dropped\n", counterDiff - 1);
printf("Frame period: %u us\n", timestamp[0] - timestamp[1]);
// delayed start of counter check
checkCounters = 1;
// store values for the next cycle
frameCounter[1] = frameCounter[0];
trgCounter[1] = trgCounter[0];
timestamp[1] = timestamp[0];
else if (res == FG_ERROR_CODE_BrokenImage)
else // Error during waiting
return -1;
// abort image acquisition
// free buffers
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
// Close the camera
return 0;

Please note that no error checking is performed in the examples in order to simplify the code.

UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_get_image(FG_IMAGE *img, UINT32 TimeOut_ms)
Returns captured images to the user.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:685
Hardware triggered mode.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:147
UINT8 *const pixel_ptr
Pointer to image memory.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:161
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_install_camera(enum eFG_CAMERA_TYPE camera_type)
Opens and initializes the camera.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:286
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_stop_image(void)
Forces the camera to stop grabbing and using any buffers.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:722
This structure stores information associated with image buffers
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:156
IMAGO VisionCam/Sensor (automatic)
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:54
@ FG_ERROR_CODE_BrokenImage
Only valid for FG_get_image(): the returned image contents are invalid.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:139
bool ConnectOutput(unsigned int OutputIndex, Multiplexer::MUX_SOURCE Source)
bool Init(bool ResetParameter=true)
bool SetOutputType(STROBE_OUTPUT_TYPE OutputType)
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_free_image(FG_IMAGE *img)
Releases an image buffer.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:659
bool SetFixedCurrent(int SupplyVoltage, int LoadVoltage, unsigned int MaxOnTime, unsigned int MinOffTime, unsigned int Current, int &Result)
bool ConfigureSet(const char Command[])
bool SetTriggerMode(STROBE_MODE TriggerMode, int &Result)
The function was successful.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.h:134
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_append_image(FG_IMAGE *img)
Puts an image buffer into the aquisition queue.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:672
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_set_special_option(const char *option, INT64 arg)
Configures a special camera property.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:973
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_alloc_image(FG_IMAGE *img)
Allocates a new image buffer for storing sensor frames.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:646
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_set_trigger_mode(enum eFG_TRIGGER_MODE trigger_mode)
Sets the trigger mode.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:850
bool SetTriggerSource(STROBE_SOURCE TriggerSource, int InvertTrigger)
bool Open(unsigned int Index=0)
UINT32 DLL_FG_API FG_uninstall_camera(void)
Closes the camera.
Definition: FG_CameraInterface.cpp:557